Pricing Plans

All your privacy compliance needs at an affordable price.

Pricing plan comparison

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Small Business


Medium-Sized Business




Custom Branding


Total Page Scans01,000/Domain2,0007,00020,000
Cookies Analytics

Consent Manager

Widget Template135
Requests Board
DSAR Requests
Opt In/Out Requests
Compliance Automation
Auditing & Reporting


What customers say about us

DCI’s partnership with Privacy Lock provides a comprehensive approach to financial data infrastructure that enables banks and fintechs to leverage new technologies while complying with state and federal data privacy protection regulations.

Sarah Fankhauser
Sarah Fankhauser

President and CEO of DCI

Privacy Lock's world-class architecture and quality of engineering stand out as the definitive tool not only for healthcare and financial institutions, but for all businesses wanting to balance growth with the complexities of privacy compliance of today’s digital-driven environment.

Gabriel Puhalla
Gabriel Puhalla

General Partner, Coreteq Ventures

Privacy Lock is the first complete privacy compliance solution purpose-built for banks and fintech companies. Implementing new compliance programs given the current and pending wave of regulation can be complex and time-consuming. Privacy Lock solves this problem with a scalable, cost-effective, and modern compliance tool that not only addresses privacy compliance, but also enhances consumer trust in their financial institution.

Rich Leggett
Rich Leggett

Bankers Helping Bankers Fund

I have spent many years in various parts of the Fintech ecosystem. Compliance with all applicable banking laws and regulations is critical, and state and federal privacy laws create unique operational challenges. Privacy Lock is the first privacy solution I came across that understands financial data processing chains, and can provide a meaningful solution across jurisdictions.

Robert Keil
Robert Keil

Chief Fintech Officer of FinWise Bank

We use Privacy Lock to protect highly sensitive information about incarcerated individuals and their families. Privacy Lock is a great tool for CCPA compliance and a game-changer in building trust through privacy protections.

Liz Rios
Liz Rios

Executive Director of the Center For Restorative Justice Works

Privacy Lock offers a tool to confidently implement compliance solutions, even as ever-increasing rules are giving consumers the right to limit and control the information collected about them.

Glenn Murray
Glenn Murray

Sutton Payments

I really like Privacy Lock's user friendly design. Having a modern compliance tool makes it easy to manage privacy processes for my business.

Dejan Djokovic
Dejan Djokovic

Director of Dexy Digital